Steps have already been initiated to pay compensation to the property damage of the clash that occurred in Gintota in Galle last week, Leader of the House and Minister Lakshman Kiriella said. Replying to a question raised by Chief Opposition Whip and JVP Leader Anura Dissanayake in Parliament yesterday, the Minister said the Government is bound to provide security to all communities may they be Sinhala, Tamil or Muslim. He said unlike the previous Government, this Government is committed to protecting the rights of all ethnic groups.
MP Dissanayake queried on the delay of the Police in taking down the complaints of the people with regard to the property damages of the violent incident on November 16 and 17 in Ginthota.
“When people went to the Police station, they had been turned back stating that the Police would visit their homes to take down the complaints. But, the Police are yet to visit the houses and the people have been unable to clean and mend their damaged property due to this delay. People have not cleaned up their homes, as the damages have not been evaluated as yet,” he pointed out.
Chief Government Whip and Minister Gayantha Karunathilake said that he will promptly call the DIG in Galle and bring the matter to his attention.
Minister Kiriella also observed that the Police cannot send back anybody who comes to the Police to lodge a complaint without recording it.
MP Dissanayake noted that five persons were admitted to hospital with injuries while 66 houses, 26 shops, 10 vehicles, four motorbikes and two mosques were damaged in the clash. He questioned as to why the Police and STF personnel deployed in the area on November 16 were removed on November 17 without proper security assessment.