A suspect on the charge of running a bogus kachcheri, was remanded till November 30, by the Matara Chief Magistrate and Additional District Judge Uresha de Silva.
Police officers have found two fake driving licences, nine temporary driving licences, seven birth certificates, twenty eight licences and ten job applications in the raid.
Police said drivers who failed to legally obtain their driving licences,had been roped into this racket. Rs 60,000 had been charged from each of these men for a driving licence by this suspect. The suspect had disguised himself as a sales assistant of a reputed commercial firm.
The suspect aged 38, is a resident of Sultanagoda in Matara.
OIC Kotawila Police OIC Janaka Thushara led by crime branch OIC Jayathilake Bodhipakse carried out the raid on a tip-off.