A unique feature of the Buddhist world is annual Katina Cheevara Pooja. The Katina Cheevara Pooja of the Malwatte Maha Vihara was held recently as the robes were placed and offered to Maha Sangha residents at three separate temples.
The ceremony was held at the Sri Sanghajara Commemoration Hall of the Thumpone Temple of Malwatte Maha Vihara, which was organised by Malwatta Maha Vihara Karaka Sabha Senior Member Ven. Mahopadyaya Aggamaha Panditha Aluthgama Dhammananda Nayaka Thera with the assistance of Sri Sangharaja Gunanusmarana Sagnamaya of the Kantha Sangamaya of the Sri Sangharaja Daham Pasala and the Buddhist societies of Kandy and its suburbs.
It was held under the guidance of Venerable Thibbotuwawe Sri Siddhartha Sumangala Maha Nayaka Thera of the Malwatte Chapter.