The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) said it welcomes the enactment of a new constitution.
Acknowledging the valued importance of the 'Constitution' in the affairs our land, The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) wishes to place the following for consideration as a 'way forward' in this whole exercise.
Noting the varied amendments to the existing constitution in the past and given the plurality of our nation, the 'Council' believes that the present Constitution needs to be revised in order to permanently resolve the crisis that has divided our nation on lines of ethnicity, language, religion and regions.
The space created by the conclusion of violence and war that plagued and engulfed our blessed land for nearly three decades, needs to be constructively employed towards lasting solutions through a process of collaboration, cooperation and consensus as far as possible.
The 'Council' has always stood for a 'secular state', not meaning a 'non-religious entity', but recognizing the strong religious spirituality of our people which guides and girds the nation.
In terms of the place of 'religion', we have no issue in the retaining of the present status-quo in our Constitution, to the extent that all religious communities are assured of equality before the 'law' and their rights enshrined for the protection and progress of the respective religions.
We need to recognize that the 'proposed constitution' is still at consultative stage, open for dialogue and debate.
The National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) remains committed to be in dialogue with all religious leaders and other stake-holders in this whole process towards building a united and inclusive nation, the NCCSL said in a statement.