Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on his two day official visit will meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and high level Indian State leaders for talks today. Prime Minister Wickremesinghe will participate in the global summit on cyber space at the Aerocity before his official meeting with Prime Minister Modi. Wickremesinghe and Prof. Maithree Wickremesinghe who arrived in New Delhi was welcomed by Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in New Delhi, Chithranganee Wagiswara, Chief of Protocol Indian Foreign Ministry Sanjay Verma and Deputy chief of Protocol Abishekh Shukla, at the Indira Gandhi International Airport. Two children, Senelya Fonseka and Kavindu Ranawaka welcoming the Premier and Prof. Maithree Wickremesinghe at the New Delhi airport. Picture by Rukmal Gamage