The Central Bank is currently investigating into some suspicious dealings of two more primary dealers connected to the Central Bank Bond issues, Central Bank Governor Dr. Indrajit Commaraswamy said.
He said the Monetary Board would shortly make an announcement about the future action to be taken against Perpetual Treasuries Ltd and Pan Asia Bank whose transactions have been already suspended.
Asked for further details, Dr. Coomaraswamy said the Central Bank was continuing its internal investigations without interruption.
“Already four officers have been interdicted. Disciplinary inquiries against them would begin shortly,” he said. “If anyone was found guilty during the ongoing investigations, legal action would be taken against such person disregarding his or her status,” Dr. Commaraswamy said. “Steps were being taken to begin secondary market transactions soon.
Meetings of the investment committee were being held daily under the chairmanship of a Deputy Director,” the Central Bank Governor said.
“This Committee is taking vital decisions to strengthen the country’s economy by providing investment guidance,” he added.
Coomaraswamy said the guidance and directions offered by the President and the Prime Minister calling for transparency in taking decisions for public welfare were a source of great strength to the Central Bank.