Prices of drugs will be reduced by five percent in future if the dollar drops, Health Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne said.
He was addressing the gathering after opening the new Lanka Sathosa outlet at Payagala recently.
The Minister said the prices were increased by five percent as the dollar value increased but the prices would be reduced by five percent if the value of the dollar dropped.
“A paracetamol price has gone up by seven cents. The old price was Rs. 1.30 and now it is Rs. 1.37,” he said.
“All media speak about the five percent price increase. But they rarely talked about 85 percent price reduction. It is a low level media culture. Today prices of commodities were reduced and a coconut sells in Sathosa outlet for Rs. 65 and one kg of big onions sells at Rs. 135,” the Minister said.
Minister Senaratne pointed out that persons who have allegations cannot contest in upcoming Local Government election, but the leaders of political parties do not know the unsuitable people who represent villages.
“The leaders should be informed about them. The Prime Minister removed a name of a person from a CMC nomination list when the media reported that the person is a son of a underworld gang leader,” he said.