Rays of development have not fallen upon Ambalantota with the coming of successive regimes. Plans were drawn up by the Urban Development Authority (UDA) for the development of Ambalantota several years ago, but the implementation of the plans still remains a dream, residents said. Ambalantota is the main economic hub in the Hambantota district.
The vehicular traffic congestion in the heart of Ambalantota prevails during pola days on Mondays and Thursdays. The Waduruppa road that runs from the heart of the town also gets congested with vehicles.
It is a narrow road; two vehicles cannot pass at at a time. The existing bus stand is situated on a small plot of land. It is insufficient for commuters to take shelter during rainy days.
The weekly pola is congested, and as such, consumers cannot move about freely to make their purchases. The Ridiyagama road is used as a bus stand for private and Ceylon Transport Board (CTB) buses, causing hardships to vehicular traffic.
The three-wheeler park on the Ridiyagama road is a hindrance to pedestrians. The clock tower in the heart of the town is used for propaganda by businessmen and politicians. The drains in the heart of the town remain clogged with garbage and refuse water. Certain businessmen throw refuse into the drains instead of dumping refuse in waste paper baskets. These drains pose a threat to the health of citizens.