The Policy Development Office of the Prime Ministers Office and the Small-Scale Enterprise Division of the Ministry of National Policy and Economic Affairs, of which the assigned Minister is the Prime Minister, is engaged in conducting a survey to ascertain the para meters of the needs of entrepreneurs involved in the Beauty Culture industry, in order to develop a Policy Framework which will ensure the expansion, development and further uninhibited expansion and success of the sector.
Research has shown that the provision of Beauty Culture services is an area where educated young women and men are engaged successfully as entrepreneurs in large numbers in all parts of Sri Lanka.
A cross section of entrepreneurs in this sector has been communicated with, by the Policy Development Office in order to get their views on constraints which they face in the further development of their enterprises. Their input will result in a practical, needs based Policy Framework being developed.
The Small-Scale Enterprise Development Division of the Ministry of National Policy and Economic Affairs has already made an inventory of enterprises in this sector and has conducted some training programs for practitioners.
The proposed Policy Framework, will include modalities for development of access to:- finance, technology, skill development, certification of skills, promotion and advertising programmes, language competence, web site development, computer and internet facilities and other requirements specified by the practitioners.