Sports Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara said that the government has not changed its stance on liquefied natural gas (LNG), and they would review the coal power plant project in case of a crisis, with the recommendation of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
“As we have been informed that there would be a coal crisis between 2018 and 2020, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe suggested that we should seek the PUC’s advice on what needs to be done in order to overcome it,” he said.
Minister Jayasekara said that they support LNG compared to the establishment of a coal power plant, at a Cabinet press conference, yesterday.“The Prime Minister also said that with the recommendations of the PUC, proper legal measures would be taken and there is no need to change the government’s stance on LNG,” he said.
He added that the decision to rely less on coal was taken following a proposal made by the PUC.“So far, all measures taken to establish LNG plants were unsuccessful. Therefore, we need to review on what could be done to combat the crisis,” he said.
Meanwhile, Health and Indigenous Medicine Minister Dr. Rajitha Senaratne said that no coal is the stance of the government.