The minimum standards on Medical Education and clinical training will be gazetted on January 27, the Government Information Department announced yesterday. Issuing a media release it observed that the government has proposed a permanent solution to the issues surrounding SAITM.
According to the proposals, the assets, liabilities, staff and students of SAITM shall be transferred to a non-state, not-for-profit making degree awarding entity that will comply with the minimum standards on Medical Education and Training.
The new entity will be established as a Sunset institute that will absorb all students who were in SAITM’s medical program, as well its assets and liabilities; at which point SAITM will be abolished. The sunset institution will conclude operations when the last current batches of students graduate. No new students will be admitted to this entity.
It also proposes to establish a new non-state, non-for-profit making degree awarding institute apart from the above mentioned new institute that will enroll students from 2019.
An assurance will also be given that both these institutes to meet the minimum standards in medical education and clinical training under the observation of Sri Lanka Medical Council.
The minimum standards of medical education and training will be Gazetted on January 27, 2018.
Both these institutes will be established by the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT).
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the government and the government which was on effect from December 30, 2017. The MoU received the approval of the Attorney General’s Department.
Additionally, the Neville Fernando Teaching Hospital will be transferred to the Ministry of Health, at no cost to the State.