Rs. 14.5 million had been robbed after throwing chili powder at a cigarette wholesale agent transporting the money in a lorry to be deposited at a private bank in Nuwara Eliya, yesterday.
The robbery had taken place at about 8.15 in the morning. Nuwara Eliya Police commenced investigations.
The police discovered that the two suspects had arrived in a three-wheeler and blocked the road in front of the lorry at Park Road in Nuwara Eliya before committing the robbery.
The suspects had broken a window of the vehicle, thrown chili powder at the lorry driver and passenger, stolen the money bag and fled.
The passenger - an accountant at the agency - and the lorry driver were admitted to the Nuwara Eliya Hospital for treatment.
The police suspect that a member of the cigarette agency must have been involved in this incident. Nuwara Eliya Police is conducting investigations with the aid of police dogs to nab the suspects.