Spiritual and educational development among younger generations is a must for a country to prosper, Southern Provincial Education Minister Chandima Rasaputhra said.
Most students in the Southern Province have been capable of achieving excellent results at examinations, the minister added.
He was addressing a ceremony held at the Sri Rathajothi Maha Vidyalaya in Kamburupitiya as the chief invitee.
It is hardly possible to run a school while satisfying every politician and parent. There is an excess of teachers at some schools, while others in remote areas lack them. In spite of all these obstacles, teachers and students make genuine efforts to bring honour to the Southern Province, the minister said.
Minister Rasaputhra said a recent survey carried out in the South revealed that the lack of a proper and healthy atmosphere for children to carry out their studies due to negligence, poverty, and family feuds lead to the decline in examination results of some children.
The Southern Provincial Council (SPC) Education Ministry is currently searching for solutions to these issues. Steps would be taken to admit such affected children to children’s homes and provide them proper education. Advanced countries in the world have adopted these strategies, he added.
He said children are an asset to the country. Providing them with financial allocations would be an invaluable investment and added that affording a sound education to every child in the Southern region would be the aim of his ministry.
In the national educational development process, Engineering Technology studies have been prioritised. Proper facilities have to be provided for students following these subjects, Minister Chandima Rasaputhra said.
Plans are afoot to further boost the examination results of all students in state schools in the Southern Province. Measures to enhance human resources in affected schools in the Southern are also underway, he said.
Several others also addressed the meeting.