Colombo Chief Magistrate Lal Ranasinghe Bandara yesterday ordered the Government Analyst to carry out DNA tests on the headless body exhumed from Angunakolapelessa and the severed head found from Keselwata, to see if they were the remains of Pandithage Shanthra Kumara alias “Kos Malli”.
Keselwatta Police said that Kos Malli’s sister and brother are already willing to provide evidence.
The Chief Magistrate ordered Police to produce the suspects before Court.
The decapitated head was found on March 7 on a heap of garbage near the Hulftsdorp Court’s Complex in Keselwatta. The body was exhumed by the Police on March 18 at Angunakolapalessa. According to the Police the suspects have revealed that ‘Kos Malli’ was killed in revenge of the recent murder of Mohamed Risbaan, who was a close friend of underworld kingpin ‘Maakandura Madush’. The case was postponed for April 26.