Science, Technology and Research Minister Susil Premajayantha said the final decision pertaining to the No-Confidence Motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe will be taken collectively as a party on April 2 after having a meeting with President Maithripala Sirisena.
Addressing the media at the SLFP headquarters yesterday, Minister Premajayantha assured that in keeping with the Constitution, neither the President nor Parliament can be impeached or dissolved if the motion is defeated.
“The President and the Government will remain the same. We do not care if another UNPer becomes the Prime Minister but the majority feel that the present Prime Minister should leave,” he said.
He further said that according to the Constitution, when a No- Confidence Motion against the Prime Minister was passed in Parliament, the President would appoint a Prime Minister who receives the support of the majority in Parliament.
Minister Premajayantha said it was difficult for them to vote against the motion.
He said that among the 17 points mentioned in the No Confidence Motion, 13 were suggested by the SLFP with regard to Bond issue and added that the party agrees with the content.
Minister Premajayantha explained that it was also the SLFP after a special Central Committee meeting that appointed a committee to study the issue and it was recommended that the President should appoint a Presidential Commission to investigate into the bond issue.
MP Dilan Perera said that SLFP would take decisions collectively as a party.
He said that they have succeeded in taking legal and political action regarding the Bond issue.
Perera said that the government came into power stating that the Executive Presidency should be abolished.
MP Perera further said that the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) will lose its support in Parliament in future if they do not support the No Confidence Motion.
“I doubt whether MP Sumanthiran is TNA Sumanthiran or UNP Sumanthiran. He is anyway going to get into Parliament nextime through UNP National List.The TNA will become traitors among the Tamils if they do not support the No Confidence Motion,” he said.