Parliamentarian Ven Athuraliye Rathana Thera yesterday said that a Presidential candidate who accepts toxin free farming should be made the next President.
He was addressing a convention and awards ceremony of farmers who engage in toxin free farming held yesterday at the BMICH. Ven.Rathana Thera urged all farmers to be united to bring such a person into power to make a toxin-free nation.
He further said that they are ready to defeat any presidential candidate who pledges to provide Glyphosate or any other chemical fertilizer to farmers at the next presidential election campaign.
Ven. Rathana Thera said that the government has already taken measures to re-implement the fertilizer subsidy programme claiming that the poor implementation of fertilizer subsidy programme was a reason for their defeat at the local government election.
“Before the re-implementation of the fertilizer subsidy programme, I asked the relevant authorities to give me an opportunity to explain the real situation since there is no connection between the fertilizer subsidy and government’s defeat at the local government election. Though we made a great contribution in forming this national government, I didn’t get a chance to do that.” the Ven. Thera said.
He further said that the measures will been taken to make a farmer’s movement against chemical fertilizer with the fullest corporation of Agriculture Minister Duminda Dissanayake.
SEMA Chairman and the CEO Asoka Abeygunawardane said with the implementation of the Toxin Free Nation programme, measures have been taken to strengthen and promote toxin free farming practices.
As a result of that, around 5000 farmers has already started to engage in toxin free farming and they have been able to produce 10 million toxin free paddy by the end of 2017.
With the assistance of armed forces, measures had been taken to produce 1 million kilograms of toxin free fertilizer by the end of 2017, he added.
He further added that the researches conducted under the fullest supervision of the Agriculture Ministry have proved the success of toxin free farming.
A larger number of farmers, medical experts, journalists and may other persons those who contributed a lot for the success of toxin free farming were awarded at the occasion.