Residents of the Ihala Kadigamuwa Grama Niladhari (GN) Division in the Bingiriya Divisional Secretariat of the Kurunegala district had complained that they were inconvenienced as the newly-built GN office in the area, had not been opened yet.
The said office complex had been built at a cost of Rs. 2.3 million by the Bingiriya Divisional Secretariat, using public funds.
Home Affairs Minister Vajira Abeywardena and Kurunegala District United National Party Parliamentarian and Deputy Home Affairs Minister J. C. Alawathuwala had been allegedly invited to visit the GN office, in order to inaugurate it. However, it was alleged that they did not attended the opening ceremony and hence, the establishment's inauguration had been postponed. Bingiriya residents had requested authorities concerned to take immediate steps to open the Grama Niladhari office as they would have to travel a long distance in order to see their issues be solved at the Bingiriya Divisional Secretariat.
At present, there is no permanent GN for the Ihala Kadigamuwa division and about 34 vacancies are currently exist for Grama Niladharis in the Bingiriya electorate, former Bingiriya Divisional Secretary M. D. Somaratne said when he was contacted by the Daily News on May 19.