Vasu charges sinister JVP, UNP, TNA nexus

While noting that a sinister nexus seems to have emerged between the JVP-UNP alliance and the TNA, Parliamentarian Vasudeva Nanayakkara yesterday challenged the three parties to contest together at a General Election, if they were sincere about their new found friendship.

Nanayakkara charged a sinister nexus has surfaced between the JVP-UNP alliance and the TNA in Parliament only for petty political gain and each party seems to be clinging on to each other for mere survival.

Speaking at a media briefing in Colombo yesterday Nanayakkara challenged all three parties to contest together and defeat the government if possible at a General Election.

He also said trade union members will hold mass protest calling for a General Election shortly.

He charged that the JVP, UNP and the TNA were trying to put off elections as they fear certain defeat.

“These people have done nothing for the country. They cannot go before the people seeking a mandate. This is why this sinister nexus has surfaced, for petty political gain” he added.

Nanayakkara went on to say that the new government has already initiated several relief measures targeting the working people.

He said the government will not allow sinister elements with ulterior motives to derail such measures.

Nanayakkara said holding a General Election and allowing the people to decide was the best way out of the current political impasse. 

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