Human competition for prominence, they say, begins in the womb if they are twins or at birth and thereafter among the siblings. It happened in some way at first Christmas. At that birth divine, ruling King Herod of Judea, chose to become a competing “twin” of the newborn child Jesus, who was also recognized as a king.

This competition was an outcome of a fear of a king who did not tolerate even a new born child if he considered him as a challenge. Herod’s palace and the royal ambience turned chaotic and concerned with the arrival of three wise men, who were recognized as kings and who considered the “New Born" as a King. The Gospel of Matthew narrates the story of the three Magi who came to worship Jesus, “the new-born King of the Jews”.

King Herod the great as he was known, ruled as a client king of the Romans who were occupying Judea at the time of Jesus’ Birth. He was not a Jew but an Idumaean, born to an Arabian mother and was not loved and accepted by the traditional Jewish elders. Though credited with the construction of the second temple of Jerusalem, King Herod was hated for being a pagan and for his loyalty to Romans to retain his political power, and for his ruthlessness, shown by killing a wife, two sons and a father-in-law among many others.

Jewish scholars

The devoted Jewish scholars believed that by the time of Jesus’ Birth, 76 generations has passed since Creation of the universe and according to prophecy, a Messiah was to deliver Israel from foreign rulers in the 77th generation. So when the visiting Kings (the Magi) inquired “Where is the child who has been born King of Jews?.... We have observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage”, King Herod became excited frightened and had a pre-sentiment of a threat and a challenge. He called together all chief priests and the teachers of the Law and asked them, “where will the messiah be born‘?” When he was told that it would be in Bethlehem, Herod started his strategy to kill the just born baby Jesus, his perceived competitor for the throne of Israel. When the Magi did not return to him with the information he wanted he ordered the massacre of innocents; “infuriated.. he sent and killed all children who were two years old or under” in order to get at baby Jesus’ head. This competition for power led him to such brutality.

Competition for prominence and power is nothing but an age-old phenomenon of the history of every country or culture. Our own Mahawamsa records many such episodes in Sri Lankan history where brother kills a brother or son kills a father all for the love for power and to ascend the throne. Sometimes the twin-brother competition can be seen even within a nation among its races. One trying to subdue the other denying the basic human rights of a person who was born in the same land.

At global level it happens when super powers clash in a subtle way for dominion over certain regions or sea routes or strategic points on the world map. Such dramatic efforts can be observed even today on the Sri Lankan stage by various powerful countries who want to have a hold on our strategic island. In that competition the weaker nations finally suffer and suffocate under economic or debt burdens heaped upon them and their unborn generations.

Peace message

The Birth of Jesus is celebrated above all as a feast of peace. Jesus message is Peace, His Kingship is service and His Kingdom is a gathering of people believing in forgiving love. For the Babe of Bethlehem, kingship or authority is service to mankind.

This He amply demonstrated by washing the feet of His disciples and sacrificing His life on the cross. His kingship is to recognize in every man the face of the divine. His teaching “I was hungry you gave me to eat; thirsty, you gave me to drink; naked, you clothed me; sick and imprisoned, you visited me”, shall be a measure with which one’s life will finally be judged. This kingship is to feel for the other, his needs and his pain and not to dominate over the other or to suppress him.

His kingdom is that which He inaugurated by gathering a people who are to practice the beatitude of love that forgives. So He taught His disciples to pray to God the Father of all, saying “Your kingdom come your will be done …forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us” and hanging on the cross later this Jesus born in Bethlehem cried out and said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”.

This gathering of hearts is a call to all men to treat the other as a brother or a sister no matter who they are or what colour, what race, what language group, what continent she or he belongs to. Today we talk about globalization when it comes to politics, business, international relations and economic activity. But Jesus the Prince of Peace spoke about “globalization” of love and forgiveness, sharing and caring, peace - respect and harmony to all, more than two thousand years ago. This teaching goes even beyond basic human rights and justice. Human rights and justice are birth rights of every human being. But to respect the other as your brother or sister is more than recognizing his/her legitimate rights. That needs a loving heart, a heart that can forgive, a heart that can say, “sorry I erred.”

King Herod could not grasp or interpret either Jesus’ Kingship or His Kingdom foretold by prophets. So his heart did entertain hatred towards the new born child Jesus. Though Jesus was just born, he considered him as a “twin of competition” for his kingdom and his dynasty. So in his heart he contemplated how to eliminate this “just born king” and in his strategy he bled thousands of innocent children to death. Instead Jesus returning to Judea after Herod’s death, when the time was ripe, opened His heart for others and bled it to death to gather people in love, peace and brotherhood.

Christmas 2018 in Sri Lanka is celebrated in a context of political and social instability. Once again competing twins of power have played their roles in the drama of Sri Lankan politics and life. The ordinary citizen and the poor and the needy are bleeding and are fighting for their day-to-day survival.

Nationalism and patriotism

Northern brethren and other minorities both ethnic and religious are clamouring for the restoration of job opportunities, development of infrastructures and dignity as equal citizens of this country. Though we have established certain democratic norms where everybody is treated equal, we still hear divisive, hateful, racially discriminating thoughts being spread openly and loud and clear. Some leaders, among whom are even religious dignitaries, are perpetuating “Twin competition” for political and personal gain in the guise of nationalism and patriotism.

Let the parents, teachers and religious leaders do more to teach our children to shun violence, hatred and unbecoming behaviour. Protect them from evil forces who are waiting to devour them and lead them on evil paths that will bring the ruination of their future and the future of the country. May they be inculcated with religious values of all religions. Do not lie, do not steal, do not kill, respect the elders, accept the peers not as a challenge but as opportunities of friendship, be sincere in everything, be determined to achieve the goals of one’s life should become their motto. The axiom “Achieve your goals by hook or by crook”, they should be taught, to throw away from lives.

As a nation we need also to take measures, learning from the experiences we have gone through, to avoid becoming slaves or a vassal state of any country or power block in Asia or in Europe or in America. Let us be resolved to work towards treating every human being born in this land as a Sri Lankan and give him/her the equal opportunities and facilities and all human rights, to live and grow and serve the motherland. May the Peace, Justice and Joy of Christmas bear fruit on the Sri Lankan soil and Sri Lankan hearts.


from daily news

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