Moragahakanda And Laggala Town development project

New Laggala environment friendly town, which relocated as a green town will be commissioned by President Maithrippala Sirisena yesterday.
The old Laggala town had to be relocated in another place as it was inundated by the waters of Kalu-ganga reservoir. Therefore the now Laggala town has been relocated in a safer and more convenient place, which has more facilities for dwelling and enterprises, Laggala Divisional Secretary S.D.P. Jayasooriya said.
The government has constructed 23 government institutions in the new town. Of them the construction of most of these institutions has already been completed by now and the rest is nearing completion rapidly so as to be commissioned by January 8. Accordingly Divisional Secretariat office, Pradeshiya Shaba building, hospital complex, bus station, police station, school, health services centre, teacher training centre, post office, public fair, public playground, veterinary office, Govi Jana Mandiraga and many more government institutions will be commissioned by the President. 

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