Panacea for Global Distress

Henry Ford the well-known American business tycoon was asked by Dale Carnegie if he ever worried about business-he replied;

“No. I believe God is managing affairs and he does not need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe that everything will work out for the best in the end”. He lived with, and also thrived in business, with this opinion that he firmly believed in!

Cynics and many others would express different opinions: an opinion is defined in the Chamber’s dictionary as a view held as probable: Is a probability worth arguing, quarreling and ending in fisticuffs? Take what is best to live by-express it mildly-but let others live with their own opinion: that is the most acceptable Lifestyle.

Catastrophes around the globe, amidst the busy-mess with Inflation, GDP, Cost of Living Index, FDIs, Deficit Budgets etc., bring to our minds the thoughts of the world’s Greats - the Buddha, Prophet Mohamed Christ Jesus, Confucius, Gandhi and other modern writers such as Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer Eckert Tolle- for wisdom and guidance.

A step back from the busy-mess will ease out thinking on these very socially necessary problems: perhaps a Common Prayer room set apart in most International Airports, is evident witness of this stepping back from hopping planes, for these crisis-crossing businessmen-or magnates.

This writer opines on some thoughts of Christ Jesus.

Take the sermon he delivered on a mountain to thousands who followed him at that time-popularly called ‘The Sermon on the Mount’.

We see from the life of Christ that he retreated to the mountains and desert for silent meditation to receive guidance for his spirit to redeem Fallen Mankind from the wrath of sin-perhaps a good practice to be adopted by busy modernists!

He revealed Divine Wisdom mostly in parables and left his followers to discern in the silence: his thoughts were later scripted into a book.

Buddha’s teachings

He revolutionized a world where the norm was-an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth-much the same as how the Buddha transformed society by teaching that hatred will never cease with hatred.

His teachings however were not in the realm of logic to be reasoned out-but to be understood in pure faith-faith that must be stayed upon and pondered, to blossom into a logical belief in the Eternal Truth within us-as creatures in the image and likeness of the Creator.

He spoke in parables but yet millions follow his teachings to earn the Kingdom within and without that he revealed.

He admonished followers to be poor in spirit-a thought out of the blues in a world that rushes to get richer so as to acquire all the goodies they desire. Did this imply that we should live literally poor all life through? No.

He encouraged followers to use their talents to enrich themselves and thereby share the wealth with needy neighbours who were less talented and are poor. He told the rich man to sell all he has and watched his reaction, to teach the world the correct attitude to wealth-as to whether he possess it in his heart or just own the wealth in paper as a trustee for the Creator. He showed the difference between possession and ownership; the former is idolatry of wealth which he decried at every turn and taught the rich young man that what troubled him was possessiveness of and idolizing his wealth.

Would not, poor in spirit imply-that one must empty self-will and compromise on preconceived notions-not rely only on one’s own judgement, but seek to find other opinions-not be overly proud of one’s academic distinctions-be humble to face ridicule when standing up for rights: these are just a smattering of examples in spiritual poverty!

Thus we see the difference between literal poverty and poverty in spirit-that leads to Peace and Prosperity.

He also taught his followers to mourn, expecting comfort to come in due time and place. This, on face value is a discomforting admonishment, in a world with a rush for happiness and joy, even with drugs and the pill. Isn’t this very same rush that causes a person to mourn followed by depression, stress and anxiety? We thereby bring upon ourselves that mourning and suffering-then throw up hands asking the good and loving Creator why he also created suffering that leads to mourning-forgetting that it came about due to the abuse of Free Will that is the spice of life to earn or not the eternal reward and without which a human is reduced to a mere vegetable.

The so-called wise men will go on arguing the pros and cons of this statement but the Wise Teacher taught and showed followers to abide in faith and even wait in mourning for the Resurrection that follows the Crucifixion-an inevitability to be accepted with resignation and contentment.

Yes-he waited with patience and subdued emotion on the cross-subdued to the extent that he looked up and asked his Father in heaven to forgive the enemies who crucified him: it is this same person who said that those who mourn with patience will be comforted at the right time and place and eventually they will be with him in Paradise-obviously a matter of Faith that blossoms to fruition on pondering-not logic to reason out!

He also preached-to be meek to inherit the earth. To be meek is to have a mild and gentle temperament and also it can mean to be submissive-not giving into self-willed pride. Such submissiveness to the Creator and thereby to the rightful worldly authority, will make one inherit the earth: it may imply that with rightful submission one would enjoy the fruits of the earth-meaning all one’s rightful desires.

Thirst for righteousness

This meekness is not the crafty act of a Uriah Heep in Dickens’s David Copperfield to be ‘umble with head bent cheekily, to get what he wants sneakily: it is to be meek and submissive like Moses, and through that meek submissiveness to be commissioned to be bold to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land!

He called those who hunger and thirst for righteousness-Blessed. This is to search and do what is right and not to give into a wrongful act for an immediate gain - in short not to be lured by a bribe for easy riches and power - but painfully pursue what is Right.

He says-Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Mercy is kindness or forgiveness shown when punishment is possible or justified.

Mercy is not throwing a coin when passing a beggar-but to stop and, if needed, tend to his wounds-to assist a man bleeding and struggling for breath after being knocked down by a vehicle-to invite to the table those poor and hungry groveling under the table to eat the fallen crumbs: it is to be moved in heart and just not vainly exhibit wealth and position.

True mercy is a movement of heart and not just hands and feet: to only exhibit a kind act without a kind heart is hypocrisy. To such genuine and sincere mercy the Creator’s mercy will flow.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. His followers know that all mankind is made in the Image and Likeness of God. If in your heart you are in conformity with his will at every choice you have to make, then you will be blessed-the true meaning of the prayer-Thy Will be Done.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God-this echoes the song-Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. With constant communion with Spirit we get into the realm of peace and serenity that dissolves stress and strain-for he said-be like children to experience heavenly bliss-not be bloated up with omnipotence-to think you are all powerful and omniscience-to think you are all knowing.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Persecution for most people is the sacrifice of life for the sake of truth-and it is so. Could it not also be that in our daily choices we persecute ourselves by using our free will to do the right instead of wrong? It may be to refuse ill-gotten money and persecute our inclination to do otherwise!

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. It may be in society you stand up and speak the truth when most others contradict and vilify you and say you are a deranged fanatic-bare it up and you will see unexpected blessings flow into your life!

He goes on with the following admonishments;

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; nor does it give light unto all that are in the house.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

It is very evident that all the above Pearls of Wisdom that had been buried in the rubble of confusion, is now unearthed by modern and eloquent writers to help the modernists as a panacea for global illnesses, such as-depression-anxiety-stress and other mental agonies! 

from daily news

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