The massacre on Easter Sunday at three Churches and three up-end hotels (plus two other locations) which has claimed the lives of around 250 innocent people to date had supposedly been done by one labelled National Thowheed Jamaath (NTJ) and its cohorts.

NTJ is a deviant cum terrorist organisation the members of which claim that they are Muslims while in reality they have left the fold of Islam by incorporating thoughts and behaviours prohibited in Islam and therefore they cannot be considered Muslims. This must be the first thing or notion everybody must understand as to who commissioned this massacre – they are not Muslims but a group of psychopaths who in their faulty thinking ‘believe’ that they are rendering a yeoman service in the cause of Islam whereas they go against the teachings of the Qur’an and the prophet of Islam.

Distorted versions of Islam

If they are not Muslims then, who are they? They are a mentally deranged group of persons (psychopaths) indoctrinated through deviant and distorted versions of Islam, either by misguided Muslims as per their own ‘mystic’ interpretations of the Qur’an or who have been taught or read the misdirected interpretations of the Qur’an by the non-Muslims who are hell bound to destroy Islam. They uphold the wrong versions / interpretations they have learnt and profess that as the correct way irrespective of what constitutes the foundational elements of Islam which they may not know at all. The Islamic State, ISIS, has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombings. Thus NTJ should be taken as an affiliate or trained agent of ISIS. Who is ISIS? It is the product of mainly the Jews backed by America designed and developed through a long period to attack Islam in an indirect manner by means of deliberate and emergent planning (strategies).

Jews are well versed in the Qur’an and their main goal is to misdirect / misguide the Muslims through extrapolative interpretations of the Qur’an by questioning the exegesis of the Qur’an by mainstream Islamic scholars of repute. They have partially succeeded in their endeavour in the ‘crowning’ of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, who is a born Jew made to become a Muslim from his young days and made to acquire Islamic knowledge, especially Qur’an, not in the way as it is revealed by Allah (swt) in their simplistic form but in a manner made to antagonize the Christians. This is a long story cut short to show the true identity of the persons who executed the Easter Sunday massacre. Thus, understandably, the whole community of Christians is in a state of anger and emotional distress.

Emotion as a mental state could be associated with pleasure and displeasure (bringing in hatred and violence) and after a calamity the displeasure can lead to unfathomable consequences to the person experiencing displeasure and also to the persons perceived as the ones who have given rise to it to the former. This is what one has to accept as the final outcome, immediately or after a little lapse of time, consequent to Easter Sunday massacre.

The victims are different denominations of the Christian faith and the perpetrators of this savage act of killing the innocent lives, during their devotional religious acts of worship, on the first count are supposed to be a microscopic group of Sri Lankan deviant-terrorist ‘Muslims’ (Islamist Terrorists) – and that picture in the minds of the people invariably and wrongly implies that the carnage was to be blamed on the Muslim community – this is completely wrong and all efforts must be taken to erase this notion if truth and rationality are to be preserved.

The true and rightly guided Muslim populace does not get involved in the destruction of lives of people whether they be Muslims or Members of other faiths. They are definitely mindful of the Quranic statement: “………………if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind ………”. It is the misguided terrorists who have no proper knowledge of Islam and thus have abandoned Islam who masquerade as ‘Muslims’ to kill Muslims when the latter do not ascribe to their (ISIS) version of Islam and advocate the killing of others, particularly the Christians, on the wrongly and misguided interpretation of Qur’anic verses by the proxies of Jews and a minority and dreadful type of Missionary Christians whose main agenda are to demonize and destroy Islam in which they have failed absolutely to date and also will be failing in the future too as Allah declares: Qur’an: “ …………They Plan and Allah Plans. Allah is the Best of Planners”. These proxies of Jews and the Missionary Christians in the likes of ISIS can deliver no good to the world except chaos, disorder and suffering. This is what we saw in Easter Sunday mayhem.

Mass killing

Suicide to kill oneself or to use it as weapon to do mass killing is a big sin and whoever does this suicidal act ends up in Hell-Fire. What these perpetrators of the Easter mayhem have achieved is that they have become the dwellers / owners of Hell-Fire forever. And the victims while in their religious rituals and / or other connected celebrations were made to die due to the criminal acts of the suicide bombers have by the Grace of Almighty God (Allah) earned their resting places in Heaven – Ameen –and that is the only consolation by which the relatives, the mourners and the sympathizers of the dead could make up their minds to move forward.

Let the Christian community in Sri Lanka even by an iota of error does not nurse any grudge against the Muslims by stereotypical thinking for what were done by the apostates of Islam viz. the ISIS trained suicide bombers of the Easter Sunday massacre. Christians are closer to Muslims and the Qur’an: ‘You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant’. With this let us all pray to Almighty God (Allah) to help serenity prevail in what is required to build in a harmonious relationship between all communities in Sri Lanka. 

from daily news

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