Swiss Embassy employee released on bail

Swiss Embassy employee Garliar Barister Francis was released by the Colombo Magistrate’s Court on a two sureties of Rs 500,000 each.

She who was allegedly threatened and kidnapped by a group of unidentified men, was produced before the Colombo Magistrate’s Court this morning

Swiss Embassy employee was ordered to be remanded till December 30 by Colombo Chief Magistrate Lanka Jayarathne. Senior State Counsel Janaka Bandara with Senior State Counsel Lakmini Girihagama appearing on behalf of the Attorney General’s Department informed the court that the Attorney General had instructed the Criminal Investigations Department to arrest Garliar Barister Francis for fabricating false statements before the CID.

When the matter was taken up before the court, Senior State Counsel Janaka Bandara stated that the CID had revealed two narrations of her abduction story. Senior State Counsel Janaka Bandara appearing on behalf of the Attorney General’s Department informed court that a written complaint had been received by the Acting Inspector General of Police C.W.Wickramaratne from the second officer of the Embassy of Switzerland Rahul Imbatch.

from daily news

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