Public Security Minister Rear Admiral Dr. Sarath Weerasekara condemned the discrimination faced by the first woman Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police in Sri Lanka, Bimshani Jasin Arachchi.
DIG Arachchi is facing objections over her promotion as the DIG Police Welfare, after 32 Senior Superintendents of Police (SSP) filed a Fundament Rights Petition against her promotion.
“As a country respecting women, we should be proud that a woman has made it to the top ranks of the Police Force. I am saddened to note that a woman has had to face such discrimination in a society that respects women and holds them in high esteem.
The Police should be proud and honoured that a female has reached this position. I think this officer received an international award a few weeks ago. I don’t think those who filed the case against her appointment would win the case.
“We suspect that some form of insult has been committed in filing such a case. A woman rising to the rank of DIG in the Police should be seen as a credit to the police force and a feather in their cap,” Minister Weerasekara said.