Malaysia’s daily Covid-19 cases are climbing rapidly and have surpassed India’s on one critical measure, according to statistics site Our World in Data.
India has been experiencing a devastating second wave since April and has the world’s second largest Covid caseload. The country’s daily case count, while trending downward, has remained elevated at hundreds of thousands of infections - far exceeding Malaysia’s few thousands a day.
But Malaysia’s daily Covid infections per million people - on a seven-day rolling basis - have exceeded that of India since Sunday, data compiled by Our World in Data showed. Latest statistics showed that Malaysia reported on Tuesday 205.1 cases per million people on a seven-day rolling basis, compared with India’s 150.4 cases.
Malaysia’s population of roughly 32 million is much smaller than India’s 1.4 billion.
Generally, the actual number of Covid-19 cases are higher than reported cases around the world, mainly due to the lack of testing. In India, several studies found that cases were likely severely underreported.
Still, that’s not the first time that Malaysia has overtaken India on the measure. Our World in Data showed that Malaysia’s daily cases per million people were also higher than that of India between Nov. 15 last year and March 27 this year.