Govt takes every effort to contain Covid-19 - Minister Mahinda Amaraweera

22 August, 2021

Environment Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said that the sole intention of the Government is to take every possible measure to reduce the number of Covid-19 patients and deaths. That is why the Government spends a huge amount of money to import Covid-19 vaccines.

The Minister in an interview with the Sunday Observer said that no former Government has made such a huge financial allocation to control any natural disaster. The Minister said the Government imposed restrictions to control the situation, adding that it decided to go for a total lockdown considering the recent requests by various sections.

Minister Amaraweera said that it may be easy to force the Government to declare a complete lockdown, but there are many issues connected to that. That is why the President and the Government over the past couple of weeks tried their best to control the situation through various strategies without going for a total lockdown.


Q: Has the Cabinet Sub-Committee appointed to look into the salary anomaly issue of teachers and Principals reached a final consensus?

A: We had discussions with all teacher trade unions. We also held a discussion with the Education Ministry Secretary on Thursday. We have formulated a report. The Cabinet Sub Committee will discuss its proposals with Finance Minister Basil Rajapaksa.

We admit the fact that some injustice has been done to teachers. The Committee admits there is a salary anomaly of teachers and Principals. It should be sorted out to continue their educational activities on behalf of children in a dignified manner. We would draft a proposal to safeguard the dignity of teachers and Principals by taking into consideration the views expressed by the teachers’ and Principals’ trade unions. However, the Finance Ministry will make the final recommendations by looking into the economic situation of the country.

Q: UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe during his recent meeting with President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has requested to convene a Party Leaders’ meeting to discuss the situation in the country. Your views?

A: The President has focused his attention in this regard. This matter was discussed at the Cabinet. First, the National Council for Disaster Management will be convened shortly. The Council is represented by the Opposition Leader and the members of the Government parliamentary group. The Council chaired by the President is convened in a natural disaster such as this. The Council is also represented by the Prime Minister and Ministers. Therefore, this issue will be discussed when the Council convenes. A request was made at the Party Leaders’ meeting to appoint a Parliamentary Select Committee to discuss the situation. The Speaker gave his consent to it. The President may also convene a meeting of Party Leaders in keeping with the requirement.  

Q: Concerns have been raised by various sections on the distortion of figures on Covid-19 patients and deaths. Has the Government paid its attention to this matter?

A:  According to media reports, it is obvious, sometimes, there is a distortion of figures. We hope to discuss the issue with the President and health authorities. We are of the view that accurate information should be provided. Neither the President nor the Government has asked to provide wrong information. If any mistake has been made, that is mainly due to some shortcomings on the part of that particular sector. We don’t need to hide information on Covid-19 patients and deaths. Our intention is to take measures to reduce the number of Covid-19 patients and deaths. That is why the Government spends a huge amount of money to import vaccines. I don’t think we have made such a huge financial allocation for any natural disaster in the past. The Government has vaccinated a large number of people.

Q: The main Opposition, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), has appealed to the public to go into a self-imposed lockdown at least during the next 10 days. Would you like to comment?

A: There is no issue with it. Shops in several towns had been closed following the decisions by the Trade Associations in those areas. There was no interference from the Government for it.  The Government is also imposing various restrictions to control the situation.

As there were many requests, the Government decided to go for a total lockdown. It may be simple to request a complete lockdown, but there are many issues connected to that. Somehow, the Government employees are paid their monthly salary without any deduction. However, if the private sector employees don’t report to their work, they are not paid their salaries.

There is a large number of people who depend on daily wages and self-employment. When we go for a complete lockdown, it would seriously affect them. On the other hand, when the curfew is imposed, sometimes, there would be a shortage of goods. If any allowance is paid for the deserving people by the Government, they won’t be able to buy their commodities when all the shops are closed. Fishermen, vegetable and fruit sellers won’t be able to sell their products. We have to consider these aspects when we declare a lockdown. That is why the President and the Government over the past couple of weeks tried their best to control the situation through various strategies without going for a total lockdown.

Q: The Opposition puts the blame on the Government for the escalating Covid-19 cases and deaths, slamming it for allegedly not following the advice and warnings of the health authorities. Your views?

A: We can’t admit that claim. The Government seriously considers the advice given by the health authorities. That is why the Government has banned weddings, parties and other functions. The Government has also imposed inter-provincial travel restrictions. The movements of the people have been restricted. Only one person from a house is allowed to go out. Over 80 percent of the country had a lockdown even before the islandwide quarantine curfew was imposed with from August 20 till August 30. Even the health authorities always requested the people to go into a self-imposed lockdown.

If the people adhere to the health guidelines, the Government doesn’t need to legally impose any nationwide lockdown.

Q: Despite the inter-provincial travel restrictions imposed by the Government, Trade Associations had decided to close down shops in a large number of areas.  Would you like to comment on this?

A: When the curfew is imposed, the people will have to face a similar situation. When we go for a complete lockdown, the situation may be further serious.

However, the Government didn’t force traders to reopen their shops. Trade Associations took the decision whether to open or close shops by taking into consideration the situation in those areas. The Government didn’t go against the decisions taken by them.

Q: Medical experts have warned that there may be an increase in the number of Covid-19 patients within the next few weeks. Have health authorities focused their attention on this situation?

A: The Government is concerned about the situation. The President also continuously focuses his attention on it. Decisions will be taken in keeping with the situation.

Q: Has any decision been taken by the Government to give Covid-19 vaccine to children above 12 years?

A: The vaccination of the people is the prime solution accepted by the world to control the spread of this pandemic.

First, the Covid-19 vaccine was given to those who are above 60 years, 40 years and 30 years. Shortly, the vaccine will be given to those who are above 18 years. Later, it will be given to children below 18 years as well.

Q: The Opposition attempts to portray that the health sector has lost its control over the Covid-19 pandemic. Could you explain?

A: The Opposition will have to make such baseless allegations. Otherwise, they can’t exist. Since the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, they have resorted to making such irresponsible statements. The Government has taken every possible measure to control the situation.  

Q: What led the Government to go for a Cabinet reshuffle? The JVP says the Cabinet reshuffle has not been made on any scientific basis to overcome the challenges faced by the country. Would you like to elaborate your views?

A: The President and the Prime Minister have the right to make a Cabinet reshuffle. Similarly, the President and the Prime Minister may think it is appropriate to effect some changes after a lapse of one year. Therefore, a Cabinet reshuffle was made. All former Presidents and Prime Ministers have made such Cabinet reshuffles from time to time during their tenure in office.

Q: Don’t you think that a responsible Opposition, irrespective of political differences, should extend its support to the Government in a natural disaster such as this?

A: It is regret to note that we don’t have such an Opposition in our country. It is the legitimate role of the Opposition to criticise the Government. But the present Opposition doesn’t have any alternative leader or a political party which is capable to govern the country. The Opposition makes some utterances to the media daily for mere political survival. They don’t have any pragmatic program and a vision to take the country forward.

Q: Concerns have been raised by various sections on the failure to bring the masterminds of the 2019 Easter Sunday attacks to book. Your comments?

A: It is up to the Attorney General and Judiciary to take decisions regarding this matter. No one else has any influence on investigations. Legal actions have been taken against a large number of people who had allegedly been involved in that incident. A special Court has also been set up for this purpose. Even if somebody is in a hurry to bring the culprits to book, investigations cannot be completed as he thinks. Everything has to be done in accordance with the law in the country.

Q: Has any decision been taken to set up a special emergency unit attached to the Environment Ministry to respond to public complaints?

A: I have appointed a special emergency unit to look into whether any frauds and malpractices are taking place in the Environment Ministry, Environment Authority and other institutions that come under the ministry purview.

Such incidents will be thoroughly investigated and exposed by taking action against those who had committed those offences. The people can submit their complaints to the unit. Each complaint will be investigated. 

– Sunday Observer Sri Lanka

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