by Piyasena Dissanayake
The UNP said on Thursday that it would not believe the story floating around that Cabinet ministers were in the dark about the government’s signing a deal with the US based New Fortress Energy to build an offshore liquified natural gas (LNG) receiving, storage and regasification terminal.
Addressing a press conference at the Abhayaramaya in Narahenpita, UNP Chairman Wajira Abeywardena said that the cabinet paper to the effect had been first submitted to the cabinet meeting held on Sept 9.
“The agreement was signed on Sept 18. It is impossible to believe that the ministers of the cabinet did not read the paper submitted to them nine days before. It is a lie that these ministers were not aware of the content of that paper given to them. It seems another ruse by a group of ministers to show that they have a different stance and show themselves off as a group against this. They all have approved it and are now playing a different tune to save their individual faces. The truth is that the agreement has been signed and all ministers in the cabinet are responsible for the deal,” Abeywardena said.
He said that what matters is the rationale behind the signing of the agreement. “What should be clear at this point is whether the government opted for this move for the benefit of electricity consumers of this country or someone within the government was earning commissions out of this. The electricity prices for the consumers locally are comparatively higher than many other countries. The government should think of cleaner and cheaper energy at the lowest possible price to consumers. It does not matter whether it enters into an agreement with the US, China or India for that purpose. It should protect the interests of consumers,” he said.
The US company New Fortress Energy Inc. and the government have entered into an agreement for New Fortress’ investment in West Coast Power Limited, the owner of the 310 MW Yugadanavi Power Plant, along with the rights to develop a new LNG Terminal off the coast of Colombo.
As part of the transaction, New Fortress will have gas supply rights to the Kerawalapitiya Power Complex, where 310 MW of power is generated today and an additional 700 MW to be added, with 350 MW to be available by 2023.
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