Turmeric would be sold at Rs 200 per 100 grams at Sathosa and Cooperative outlets from today, State Minister Janaka Wakkumbura said.
The Development of Minor Crops Including Sugarcane, Maize, Cashew, Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Betel Related Industries and Export Promotion State Minister said that the turmeric stocks, which were seized by the Customs for illegally smuggled into the country, would be sold at Sathosa from today at a fair price.
He pointed out that the Customs had seized 400 metric tonnes of turmeric and out of that 100 metric tonnes were released by the Customs following the stipulated procedure. He said those are good quality stocks.
He said initially 15 metric tonnes had been processed to be suitable for consumption and those would be sold at the above price through Sathosa and Cooperative Outlets.
He added that the rest of the stocks in the Customs would also be released in the future, and sent to the market.
by Daily News Sri Lanka
, Local, concessionary,prices,turmeric,