Sri Lanka celebrates World Children’s Day in Austria

The Embassy together with the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau celebrated World Children’s Day with the participation of large number children of Austria and Sri Lanka at Steinhofgrunde, Vienna on 1 October 2020.

The celebrations paved the way for children to actively participate in painting kites in a colourful and artistic manner, illustrating and depicting the scenic beauty of Sri Lanka. The Steinhofgrunde park in Vienna is a famous venue for outdoor children activities and it hosted a large number of local Austrian nationals at the event.

Young and old enjoyed flying kites and playing with the pinwheels and balloons decorated with the “So Sri Lanka” brand promoting Sri Lanka as a potential tourist destination among Austrian public. The celebrations created a truly Sri Lankan ambiance capturing the true essence of the special relations between Sri Lanka and Austria and showcased social cohesion and high level integrity of Austro-Sri Lankan children with Austrian community.

by Daily News Sri Lanka

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