NSB taking the lead to tackle the ‘challenges of our times’

A dawning of a new year is always an occasion for renewed hope, rejuvenating wishes and expectations. For us at NSB, the dawning of year 2022 is ever so special as it marks a significant milestone in our remarkable journey as the premier savings institution of the island as we are poised to commemorate our Golden Jubilee in the new year of 2022.

In retrospect of our journey so far, we can be proud of the achievements of NSB over five decades as a Banking partner for all segments of society. In 2021, the year that we have just bid farewell to, we have put up a record-breaking performance as far as the profit and deposit mobilization are concerned. During the year, we have recorded more than Rs. 192 Bn by way of deposit mobilization, and with a stellar performance of a Profit Before Tax (PBT) of approximately Rs. 25.9 Bn and a Profit After Tax (PAT) of approximately Rs. 20.2 Bn, National Savings Bank (NSB) has showed strength and continuous financial resilience amidst challenges.

 We as an institution entering our 50th year of operations, stand tall as the largest and the safest specialized Bank in the country, and is the only such institution in the island backed by 100% explicit Government guarantee. By fostering the savings habit, NSB operates personal wealth creation; and by acting as a financial intermediary on national scale, we productively channel savings into investment for the development of the country’s economy.

Our Mission is to “provide our customers with total financial solutions to optimize their savings and investment needs, while meeting the expectations of all our stakeholders.” As the banking sector becomes more competitive and is faced with unprecedented challenges in the odds presented by the COVID -19 pandemic, it is more essential to remain true to our values and mission.

As the largest and the safest specialized Bank in the country, we take our duty to do everything in our capacity to serve our customers very seriously. Hence, practicing responsible lending, conducting business with fairness, transparency, and integrity; creating meaningful social impact by providing financial inclusion, particularly for the unbanked and the underbanked is at our core, which we will ensure as always in the new year.

As always, the safety and security of our customers’ savings is the bedrock of our institution and the key element of our value proposition, as a Bank specialized in saving. As a result, the Bank has a long-standing culture of operating ethically and with integrity, astute corporate governance, and effective risk management.

We also take pride in announcing that the Bank has been recognized and awarded as the 5th most valuable brand in Sri Lanka by the Brand Finance Lanka Ltd with a brand value of USD 166 Mn. In 2021, NSB was recognized at the Sri Lanka’s first ever gender equality awards as one of the top 10 Women Friendly Workplaces. Moreover, National Savings Bank has also been recognized as one of the 10 Most Admired Companies in Sri Lanka in 2021 by the International Chamber of Commerce Sri Lanka (ICCSL), in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), which speaks volumes of the value we create and add to the Sri Lankan economy and community.

To foster a savings culture among all Sri Lankans that come from all walks of life, and work towards financial and digital inclusion, we at NSB have focused on strengthening our digital as well as physical footprint. Accordingly, the Bank has increased its branch network to 261 branches along with 292 ATMS and 89 CRMs. Further, we have been able to introduce “NSB Pay” App, a mobile payment system enabling our customers to accomplish their daily banking needs safely and efficiently while enjoying an uninterrupted service during these difficult times.

In retrospect, digitalization is a key focus area on which we have focused in the past year. The demand for digital products and services during the recent years, especially with the pandemic, has acted as a catalyst, driving our digital transformation forward. At NSB, we believe that the promise of digitalization is not about technology for technology’s sake. Even beyond the benefits of streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and realizing cost efficiencies, we approach digitalization in a way that deeply resonates with our brand: as a tool for financial inclusion, enabling the financial systems and solutions to be more accessible to all and sundry.

Therefore, increased accessibility is at the heart of the digital value proposition that we are building at the Bank- allowing all our stakeholders, no matter what strata or location, to benefit from the rapid technological advances that are underway. Accordingly, in 2022, we will be implementing the new core banking system, with all services reengineered to align with industry requirements and regulatory requirements and pave the way towards a fully automated secure digital platform.

With these steps, together with corresponding internal talent and capacity development, the Bank will be positioned at the forefront of the digital banking space and be able to make the maximum use of our distinctive identity in 2022. As such, 2022, will be a crucial year in taking a leap forward in our Bank’s digital strategy and entering a digital era.

Our staff is an unwavering factor behind every success that we reach, and we will rely on them to drive our success in 2022. We wish to place on record our sincere gratitude to our staff for the teamwork and dedicated service to the Bank throughout, and especially in the last couple of difficult years. And our customers too, have our deepest gratitude for their trust in us notwithstanding the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic that upended the social, economic climates as never before. Your continued confidence in us reaffirms our sense of purpose. Thus, we will continue to play our part true to our word as the safest place for your money in this new year.

We wish to assure that NSB remains guided by its essential values and mission amidst the changes and challenges presented by the environment, and while the shape of banking will change, our responsibilities and commitment to our purpose will remain unchanged.

Together we have come along way, and the path ahead that we have to traverse together is longer. We live in an era of unprecedented uncertainty owing to a global pandemic that has spared no region, country or individual from its impact. In such a global, financial, societal climate, if we are to forge our way forward in a positive light, it is imperative that we embrace one vision in a collaborative effort.

As we now march forward to our 50th Anniversary in banking, we are confident that all members of “NSB Family” will contribute greatly together, through commitment and dedication to take the Bank forward to the next phase of development and to go forward from strength to strength in serving our customers.

NSB family wishes all our valued customers, other stakeholders, and all Sri Lankans a happy and safe new year in 2022, the year of our Golden Jubilee.


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