New Delhi: Bollywood actress Disha Patani is in the news these days for her upcoming film ‘Ek Villain Returns’. Directed by filmmaker Mohit Suri, Ek Villain Returns, which is scheduled to release on July 29, also stars John Abraham, Arjun Kapoor and Tara Sutaria. It is the sequel to the 2014 hit film, Ek Villain, which starred Sidharth Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor and Riteish Deshmukh.
But there is one more reason due to which Disha is in the headlines. The reason is her breakup with Tiger Shroff.
According to the reports, Disha Patani and Tiger have broken up, although neither the actress has given any statement about this nor any reaction has come from Tiger’s side, but the news of their breakup broke the hearts of their fans.
Fans are restless to know what has happened that both of them ended their 6 years old relationship.
Disha and Tiger have not talked about this, but a source close to the couple has definitely told the reason for their breakup. Talking to ETimes, the source said, ‘Disha and Tiger were living together ever since Tiger started living separately from his family’.
“Both were living together for a very long time, so Disha wanted to get married this year. Disha also talked to Tiger about this, but Tiger refused to do so. She talked to Tiger about this not once but many times, but the actor said every time that ‘No, not now’. Disha wanted to marry Tiger, but Tiger was not ready to tie the knot yet,” the source said.
What did Jackie Shroff say?
Jackie Shroff’s statement has come to the fore amidst speculations of Tiger and Disha’s breakup.
In a conversation with Bombay Times, Jackie said, ‘They have always been friends and are still friends. I have seen both of them going out together. I can’t track my son’s love life. But I think they are close friends. Apart from work, they also spend time together.”
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