New Delhi: Kia India has launched the Kia Sonet X Line SUV on Thursday. The South Korean company has launched the top-of-the-line X Line variant in India at an initial ex-showroom price of Rs 13.39 lakh. At the same time, the ex-showroom price of its second variant starts from Rs 13.99 lakh. The Kia Sonet X Line SUV is a higher model than Kia’s current Sonet GTX+. The latest SUV has been launched with features like matte graphite exterior paint colour, Splendid Sage dual-tone interior theme and crystal-cut alloy wheels with black high gloss.
Sonet X-Line: Design
Kia has given many great and exclusive features to the latest Sonet X-Line SUV. All these features and features make the Sonet X-Line different and special from the regular Sonet GT Line. The signature tiger nose grille and skid plate at the rear have been completely changed in the car’s design. While the Tiger nose grille now gets the black high gloss treatment, the rear skid plate gets a dark hyper metal accent.
Sonet X-Line: Variants and Price
The Kia Sonet X-Line SUV has been launched in the Indian market in two engine specifications. The 1.0L T GDi petrol (X-Line 7DCT) variant of the SUV has an ex-showroom price of Rs 13.39 lakh, while the 1.5L CRDi diesel (X-Line 6AT) variant costs Rs 13.99 lakh ex-showroom. Interested customers can book the new SUV on Kia’s website or at the dealership.
Sonet X-Line: Exclusive Features
Talking about other upgrades on the Sonet X-Line SUV, the new SUV also includes dark chrome fog lamp garnish, exterior mirrors with LED turn signals, metal garnish accents on the side doors, silver brake callipers, shark fin antenna. The new SUV also gets the X-Line badge. The interior of the car gets features like leather sports seat with orange stitching and X-Line logo, leather-wrapped D-cut steering wheel.
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