New Delhi: The Chandigarh Police Thursday filed a chargesheet in the Sidhu Moosewala murder case. Canada-based gangster Goldy Brar, an associate of notorious gangster Lawrance Bishnoi is the prime accused in the chargesheet.
Earlier, on August 26, the Punjab Police had filed the first chargesheet in the case. Submitted in a Mansa court, that chargesheet had named 24 accused under several IPC sections including 307, 341, 326 and 148.
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Late last month, Sachin Bishnoi, member of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, was arrested in Azerbaijan. Sachin Bishnoi is the brother of gang leader Laurence Bishnoi.
Sidhu Moosewala was killed on May 29, just a short distance from his village in Mansa. The murder was carried out by two people. Moosewala did not even take the security personnel with him at the time of the incident.
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