Delhi Crime: ‘Tried to rape daughters,’ accused confesses husband’s murder

New Delhi: Poonam Devi (48) who allegedly killed her husband in Delhi’s Pandav Nagar area has confessed to the crime soon after being taken to the custody accusing the deceased of trying to rape his step-daughter.

Poonam along with his son Deepak killed the man on May 30 after hatching a plan for a month. The two first fed him sleeping pills and then, cut his throat as soon as he fell unconcious.

Then, they chopped off his body in 10 pieces and dispossed them piece by piece in a due course of time.

The mother-son duo kept the body parts into refridgerator until they eventually got rid of all the pieces in a nearby ground. However, the two was unaware that a CCTV camera, outside the ground, caught the two during their attempt of throwing packages in a dumping area.

Earlier in June, the Police found a bag of chopped-off body parts in Ramlila Maidan. As they started n investigation, they found another bag nearby.

Eventually on Sunday, the Police caught the culprits, cracking a months-old murder mystery. The Delhi Police Crime Branch arrested a one named Deepak who is a part-time waiter and Poonam Devi, the victim’s wife who works in the nursing department of a hospital.

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The accused duo on May 30 killed 45-year-old Anjan Das who was a lift operator due to his ill-intentions towrads one of his step-daughter and a daughter-in-law.

As per media reports, his daughter-in-law said he used to wait for her husband to sleep so he can have her alone. Talking to the Print, the daughter-in-law said Anjan Das grabbed him tightly, hold her against the wall and cover her mouth.

Poonam informed the police that they tried to solve the matter with the victim several times but he never understood. He had also stolen Poonam’s jwellery and sent it to her first wife’s kid in Bihar.

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