Mumbai residents will now pay more for compressed natural gas and piped cooking gas (Piped Natural Gas, or PNG) from November 5. A month after a price rise of up to Rs 6 was announced, Mahanagar Gas Limited has announced another price hike of up to Rs 3.50. The PNG will now cost Rs 54 per scm and the CNG will cost Rs 89.5 per kg (standard cubic meter).
On October 3, the costs had previously increased. Last month, Mahanagar Gas raised the retail prices of compressed natural gas (CNG) and piped natural gas (PNG) by Rs. 6/kg and Rs. 4/SCM, respectively, bringing the cost of CNG to Rs. 86/kg and PNG to Rs. 52.50/SCM.
Indraprastha Gas Limited is anticipated to raise its tariffs in the Delhi-NCR region as a result.
With this increase, the cost reductions between CNG and petrol have decreased to about 42%, while those between PNG and LPG have decreased to about 9%. Therefore, consumers who may have converted to the less expensive option might not be saving as much as they were before paying on petrol and LPG.
Petrol cost Rs. 106.31 per litre in Mumbai, while diesel cost Rs. 94.27 per litre.
1.98 million households, more than 4,000 small businesses, and 360 industrial facilities in Mumbai and the surrounding areas receive PNG from Mahangar Gas. Through its 296 CNG pumps located around the city, including in Mumbai, Thane, Mira-Bhayander, Navi Mumbai, Greater Mumbai, and Panvel, the MGL also distributes CNG.
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