JEE Main 2023 Shift 1 paper analysis: The National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting JEE Main for engineering aspirants today (January 30). Session 1 exam BE/B.Tech (Paper 1) exam is being conducted on January 30 in two shifts from 9 am to 12 Noon and 3 pm to 6 pm. The admit card for JEE Main January 30 exam is available for download at the official website — jeemain.nta.nic.in —
Candidates must bring a copy of the admit card along with original photo ID proof and a copy of the passport-size photograph uploaded along with the form to the examination venue. They have to follow the prescribed dress code and other guidelines of the exam detailed thereon. Candidates should reach the examination venue after the reporting time shown on the admit card.
JEE Main 2023: Shift 1 paper analysis
According to the students, Maths was a bit difficult, Physics was easy to moderate, and Chemistry was easy. Overall this paper was of moderate level. Students believe that questions were asked from almost all the chapters of CBSE Board Class 11th and 12th. It is believed that the paper was neither too difficult nor too easy, it was a medium-level paper.
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Chemistry paper made easy
In the numerical section, the weightage of physical chemistry was more than that of organic and inorganic chemistry. Inorganic chemistry was given more importance than organic chemistry. Chemical equilibrium, atomic structure, electrochemistry, polymers, biomolecules, hydrocarbons, ethers and phenols, aryl and alkyl halides, environmental chemistry, everyday chemistry and chemical kinetics were among the topics covered in the questions.
Physics paper was of moderate level
More importance was given to the chapters on Kinematics, Work Power and Energy, Heat and Thermodynamics, Ray Optics, Current Electricity, Electrostatics, AC Circuits, Modern Physics, Communication Systems and Capacitors.
Maths exam was moderate
Weightage was given to the chapters on Calculus and Algebra. The questions included the following topics: Parabola, Ellipse, Definite Integrals, Area, Differential Equations, Matrices, Probability, Permutation & Combination, Determinants, Vectors, 3D Geometry, Binomial Theorem, number Complexs and Progression Series.
Also read:- HPTET Result 2022: HPBOSE releases HP TET November scorecards on hpbose.org
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