New Delhi: Mahindra & Mahindra had increased the prices of its new SUV Scorpio-N some time ago. After this, now the company has also increased the prices of its Scorpio Classic. Earlier this SUV was available at an ex-showroom price of Rs. 11.99 lakhs, but after this increase in prices, now the initial ex-showroom price of this car has become Rs. 12.64 lakhs. That is, the price of this vehicle has increased by Rs. 65,000.
What are the new prices?
There are only two variants of the Scorpio Classic in the market. The prices of both these variants have increased by Rs 65,000, after which now the ex-showroom price of Scorpio Classic S has gone up to ₹ 12.64 lakh and the ex-showroom price of Scorpio Classic S11 has gone up to ₹ 11.16.14 lakh. In the same month, the prices of Scorpio N also increased by Rs 15,000 to Rs 1.01 lakh.
How is the engine?
Mahindra offers the classic SUV with the company’s 2.2-litre four-cylinder mHawk diesel engine that produces 132 PS of max power and 300 Nm of peak torque. Only 6-speed manual transmission has been given in this engine. There is no automatic option available in this. For automatic, customers will have to buy Scorpio-N. The car also gets an optional all-wheel drive configuration with the turbo-petrol engine.
How are the features?
After the price hike, the ex-showroom price of the base variant of the Scorpio Classic is only Rs 10,000 less than the price of the base variant of the Scorpio-N. The Scorpio Classic gets features like cruise control, projector headlights with LED DRLs, dual frontal airbags, auto climate control, 9-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Bluetooth and AUX connectivity, rear parking sensors and ABS with EBD. .
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