Wadduwa police said that seven people, including three children and two women, were injured when a three-wheeler crashed into a funeral procession, after the driver fell asleep on Saturday. The injured are residents of Wadduwa, Pothupitiya and Katuwangoda.
Police said that the three wheeler which came from Kalutara side had rammed into the funeral procession which was proceeding from Wadduwa to Waskaduwa public cemetery. Police said that three wheeler had dragged the crowd for about 40 meters.
The injured have been admitted to the Panadura Base Hospital and Hospital sources said that one of them was critical.
Many people who came in a funeral procession have gone to the hospital with the injured.The last rites regarding the body was carried out late at the public cemetery.
The three wheeler driver was arrested and he was produced before Magistrate yesterday.
by Daily News Sri Lanka
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