Indian Railways: There are many rules and regulations for train travelling in Indian Railways, from which you are unaware. Sometimes getting a confirmed ticket in an emergency becomes a tough task. There are times when you don’t get confirmed ticket even under ‘Tatkal’ ticket reservation system. If there is an emergency and you only have train travel as an option, there is a way you can travel on an Indian Railways train without a confirmed ticket.
How to travel in train without confirmed ticket
If you are unable to get a confirmed ticket for any reason, you can still travel using a waitlisted ticket, as per Indian Railways rules.
For using this option, you have to buy waiting ticket from the ticket window counter. Online unconfirmed tickets are not eligible for this option. Online unconfirmed ticket passengers are not allowed to travel inside the train as the ticket money is refunded to the passenger if the seat is not confirmed till the time of departure of the train. However, online users do not get the benefit of this, so this facility was not given to them at all.
Therefore, after getting the waiting list or current booking ticket from the ticket window, passengers can contact the TTE of the train to find out whether any seat is vacant even after chart preparation. If you have this ticket then ticket checker cannot stop you from travelling but if TTE has no spare seat left in train then you will not get any seat.
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