New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday announced to allocate Rs 5,300 crore in the Union Budget 2023 to the Upper Bhadra Irrigation Project citing that it would benefit the drought-prone areas of Central Karnataka.
The curcial project pertains to provide water from the Bhadra River in Karnataka’s Chikamagalur area for micro irrigation to the drought-prone districts of Chitradurga, Tumkur and Davangere.
Soon after the Centre announced the allocation for the state, Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the finance minister.
Upper Bhadra Project is a major lift irrigation Scheme under implementation in the central region of Karnataka State. It envisages lifting upto 17.40TMC of water in first stage from Tunga to Bhadra and lifting 29.90TMC of water in second stage from Bhadra to Tunnel near Ajjampura, in Tungabhadra sub-basin of Krishna basin.
It is planned to irrigate an extent of 2,25,515 hectares by micro irrigation in drought-prone districts of Chikkamagalur, Chitradurga, Tumkur and Davangere.
The primary objective of the project is providing sustainable irrigation facility in khariff season and the other objective of the project is to recharge the ground water table and provide drinking water by filling 367 tanks to their 50% capacity in drought-prone taluks of the above said districts.
Karnataka Assembly elections are expected to take place before the month of May this year for 224 seats.
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