Vande Bharat Express: Currently, seven Vande Bharat train has been operating so far in India. With the launch of Delhi-Jaipur Vande Bharat trains Indian railways will operate eight Vande Bharat train services. This route will reduce the travel time between Delhi and Jaipur to less than two hours.
The Railway Board will build a maintenance depot in Jaipur to support this service. The depot’s construction will cost Rs 30 crore. Such trains will run from Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Kota, Sriganganagar, and Udaipur by 2023.
The Delhi-Jaipur Vande Bharat train is expected to begin service next month. As a result, a new depot is required. This depot will also be used to test wiring and equipment.
Speed, Features, key details
This train was entirely designed and built in India. It can reach 100 kilometres per hour in 52 seconds. The train’s peak speed is 160 kilometres per hour. The top speed will be limited to 200 km/h. The seats on the train may be folded 180 degrees. It also contains CCTV cameras, vacuum toilets, and a backup power supply. In addition, instead of the typical chains used in regular trains, you can employ the one-push stop option.
After the inauguration of the Vande Bharat express between the two cities, the train journey between Jodhpur and Jaipur would also be shortened. It generally takes six hours to travel between the two ancient cities. The trip time will be reduced to two hours once these trains are operational.
During a recent testing run in Rajasthan, the train reached a top speed of 180 km/h. Depots in Jodhpur and Ganganagar are also planned.
Vande Bharat Express: One of India’s Fastest Trains
The Vande Bharat Express, India’s first semi-high-speed rail, was introduced in 2019. Better acceleration and deceleration are made possible by the train’s sophisticated braking system, which was designed by Chennai’s Integral Coach Factory (ICF).
Automatic doors, a GPS-based audio-visual passenger information system, onboard Wi-Fi, and comfy seats are features shared by all coaches. The chairs in the executive class rotate.
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