4200 Lankans infected with HIV, with 1700 new HIV cases detected between 2020 and 2023

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><p>Sri Lankan health officials have detected about 1,700 new HIV cases between 2020 and 2023, Dr. Janaka Weragoda, Consultant Community Physician attached to the National STD/AIDS Control Programme, said.</p>
<p>There are about 4,200 Sri Lankans infected with HIV by the end of 2023. However, only about 2,900 are receiving treatment, he said.</p>
<p>"Some might ask us "how did you come up with the 4,200 figure only if 2,900 have sought treatment?" We have come up with this number using an internationally recognized formula," he said.</p>
<p>Dr. Weragoda said that 1,300 people may have not sought treatment because HIV does not show symptoms for a long time. In 2021, they found over 400 cases. In 2022 we found about 600 cases and in 2023, we have detected about 700 patients.</p>
<p>"In the past three years, we have found about 1,700 new cases of HIV. Out of this 33 percent are between the ages of 15 and 29," he said.</p>
<p>Out of this over 70 percent have been reported among male homosexuals. About 85 percent of the cases are men.</p>
<p>Dr. Geethani Samaraweera, Consultant Venereologist at National STD/AIDS control programme said about 95 percent of those with HIV have contracted it via sex. In some countries, intravenous drug use is the main manner in which the disease is transmitted, she said.</p>
<p>"In our country, contracting HIV through intravenous drug use was negligible. However, in recent years this has become the second most common way HIV is spreading. The third most prevalent way is when a child gets the disease from his or her mother," she said.</p>
<p>Dr. Samaraweera said people must be educated on what risky sexual behaviour is. Those engaged in anal sex are the most vulnerable to contract the disease. This is a trend that's prevalent across the world, she said. HIV can also spread during oral sex, too, she said.</p>
<p>Dr. Samaraweera said that most HIV patients have been reported from the western province and HIV prevalence is higher in urban centres.</p>
<p>"There are a lot of people in the western province and it's the most urbanized part of the country. We also keep a closer eye on tourist destinations and on people who are usually called beach boys," she said.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, Microbiologist Dr. Jayanthi Elvitigala said if anyone has engaged in risky sexual behaviour, he or she must get tested for STDs. These tests can be done at centres in government hospitals and the confidentiality of those who have undergone these tests are guaranteed, she said.</p>
<p>(RK)</p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p>[Category: <a href="https://feed.lankaimage.com/category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>]</p><p><strong>Tags:</strong> </p>

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