Envoy Kananathan and Guinea-Bissau President discuss investment opportunities

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><p>In a move to enhance economic ties and foster international collaboration, Sri Lankan Ambassador to Kenya, Kananathan, met with the President of Guinea-Bissau, H.E. Umaro Sissoco Embaló, last week during the investiture ceremony of Chad's President. The meeting, marked by mutual respect and cooperation, centered on advancing proposed private investments from Sri Lankan entrepreneurs in Guinea-Bissau.</p>
<p>Ambassador Kananathan reiterated Sri Lanka's commitment to expanding its economic presence in Africa through strategic partnerships and investments.</p>
<p>The discussions with President Embaló were extremely fruitful," said Ambassador Kananathan. These partnerships will not only promote economic growth but also strengthen the bonds between our countries."</p>
<p>President Embaló expressed his admiration about the progress and pledged his support to streamline the necessary processes to ensure these investments' success. He lauded Ambassador Kananathan for his dedication to fostering economic diplomacy and forging strong links between the two nations.</p>
<p>Ambassador Kananathan has maintained a close and longstanding relationship with President Embaló for the past decade, starting during Embaló's tenure as Prime Minister. Over the years, they have built a robust alliance, fostering mutual respect and collaboration that has facilitated significant bilateral initiatives and investments.</p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p>[Category: <a href="https://feed.lankaimage.com/category/uncategorized/" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>]</p><p><strong>Tags:</strong> </p>

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