IMF releases another USD 336 mn for SL

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><h1><span>Govt.: 'Is Opposition resorting to act of terrorism to ruin economy?'</span></h1>
<p>State Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe, yesterday, asked the Opposition not to disseminate false information, which was fraught with the danger of disrupting the economic recovery process, which had received a boost from the release by the IMF of another USD 336 million under its Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement. Addressing the media, Semasinghe said he wondered whether the Opposition was resorting to an act of terrorism to cause an erosion of public confidence in the process of economic rebuilding.</p>
<p>The Executive Board of the IMF completed the second review under the 48-month EFF Arrangement, making available to Sri Lanka USD 336 million, which brings the total IMF financial support disbursed so far to more than USD 1 billion). The Executive Board also concluded the 2024 Article IV Consultation with Sri Lanka, the IMF, said in a statement.</p>
<p>The EFF arrangement for Sri Lanka was approved by the Executive Board on March 20, 2023 in an amount of SDR 2.286 billion (395 percent of quota or about US$3 billion). The first review of the EFF was completed by the Executive Board on December 12, 2023 with disbursements of SDR 254 million (about US$337 million).</p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p>[Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>]</p><p><strong>Tags:</strong> </p>

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