ISTRM consultations: Puttalam residents highlight woeful state of govt. healthcare and education

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><p>The People of Puttalam have raised the failure on the part of successive governments to provide quality education for children living in the North Western Province district and the woeful state of the healthcare system there. They have pointed out the dearth of teachers and medical staff, particularly doctors, when the Interim Secretariat for Truth and Reconciliation (ISTRM) recently conducted what a spokesperson called a series of consultations with stakeholders.</p>
<p>They have also pointed out the continuing burden of those displaced families living in the district. During the conflict that ended 15 years ago, Puttalam received quite a large number of Muslims forcefully evicted from the Northern Province by the LTTE.</p>
<p>According to a statement issued by the Presidential Media Division (PMD), other concerns that had been raised by the people included the absence of efficient response to soil erosion and the Forest Department control of state land.</p>
<p>The consultations were meant to gather public insights and address community challenges stemming from the violent conflict between 1983 and 2009.</p>
<p>During the three-day visit, the ISTRM team held nine consultations with various stakeholders to identify key issues and community concerns. The team met Puttalam GA/District Secretary H. M. S. P. Herath and Assistant District Secretary Mrs. W.M.S.G. Karunarathna to discuss concerns on administrative challenges and resource allocations.</p>
<p>ISTRM briefed Puttalam-based media regarding its activities and objectives. Consultations with villagers from Wanathawilluwa and Kalpitiya at their respective DS offices highlighted local issues, while discussions with the Sri Lankan African Community in Sirambiadiya explored the unique challenges they faced.</p>
<p>The team also met the senior police officers and air force officers in the Puttalam district at the DS Office Puttalam to discuss and gather their feedback on the proposed Bill for Truth, Unity and Reconciliation.</p>
<p>A broader consultation with ex-military officers, representatives from civil society organizations, Janasabha members, and ONUR (Office for National Unity and Reconciliation) Co-existing committee members covered a wide range of social and administrative concerns. Additionally, discussions with divisional secretaries and heads of provincial councils focused on governance and resource management issues in the Puttalam district. On the third day, the team engaged with the villagers in Mohothuwaram fishing village to address their specific concerns.</p>
<p>The spokesperson said: "The ISTRM's consultations in Puttalam underscored significant challenges and provided a platform for community members to voice their concerns. The feedback gathered will be crucial in shaping the activities of the Independent Commission for Truth, Unity, and Reconciliation, aimed at addressing historical grievances and promoting national unity. The ISTRM's efforts highlight the importance of inclusive dialogue and comprehensive solutions to support affected communities in Sri Lanka."</p>
<p>The ISTRM team consisted of Senior Additional Secretary to the President Mr. Ranjith Ariyaratne, Dr. C.Y. Thangarajah – Senior Executive (Policy), Mr.Sarath Kothalawala (Coordinator), Ms. Danushi de Silva – Executive (Public Relations), Ms. Saumya Wicramasinghe – Executive (Public Relations) and Ms. Y.L. Lokunarangoda – Senior Executive (Legal).</p><!-- /wp:html --></p><p>[Category: <a href="" rel="category tag">Uncategorized</a>]</p><p><strong>Tags:</strong> </p>

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