York International School network hosts annual Spelling Bee Competition

<p><img src="" alt="Featured Image"></p><p><!-- wp:html --><p>York International School Network held its Annual Spelling Bee Competition on 31st May 2024. The event, hosted at York International School, Sapugaskanda, featured students from all three branches of York, showcasing their spelling prowess.</p>
<p>Rohan Perera, Chairman of the York Network, graced the event as the Chief Guest. Directors Deshan Perera and Roshane Perera, along with Network Principal Mona Dharmawardane, were also in attendance. Principals Surandi Mallawarachchi, Kumari Ranasinghe, and Jinani Pothupitiya joined parents and students to witness the competition.</p>
<p>After several rounds of intense spelling challenges, York International School, Sapugaskanda, emerged as the champions. The event highlighted the students' dedication and hard work, making it a memorable occasion for all.</p>
<div class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="http://island.lk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/york-2-1.jpg"></a>
<p class="wp-caption-text">York International School Network Principal Mona Dharmawardane lighting the traditional oil lamp</p>
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