The issue pertaining to the recruitment of manpower employees to the Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) is a discussion that has to be taken to the Cabinet to decide on mechanisms to proceed further, Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure Minister Harin Fernando said.
Speaking to the Daily News yesterday, the minister said it is up to the labour ministry and the government to make the final decision.
“Human Capital Solutions (HCS) was formed by the former government. It is a subsidiary of the SLT. SLT permanent cadre is around 4,500. They do not want the manpower employees to be recruited violating the staff recruitment and promotion scheme (SRPS). They think their grading will come down if employees without qualifications are recruited,” he said.
Minsiter Ferando said he had spoken to HCS and suggested to recruit them in batches after giving them the training needed. They are not happy with that and want all the employees to be recruited immediately. They are getting EPF, ETF and equaling salary to the SLT staff while being a subsidiary company, he said.
The SLT recently recruited 121 who had completed the qualifications following the SRPS, he said.
“We have to find a mechanism on how to solve this issue. It is an unfair call by HCS. The SLT is a stock listed company. A Malasian company owns 47 percent of shares. They should also be consulted on how they want to move ahead. Out of the revenue, 47 percent goes to salaries,” he said.