Army is an evolving professional institution - Gen. Shavendra Silva

Chief of Defence Staff, Army Commander and Head of the National Operations Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) General Shavendra Silva who has dedicated his life to serve the country and works to protect the life of others received a fitting tribute for his services and elevated to the rank of four-star General was accorded a ceremonial Guard of Honour at the Army Head Quarters premises on Thursday morning, in conformity with military traditions.

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on December 28, 2020, promoted Defence Secretary Major General (Retd) Kamal Gunaratnne and Chief of Defence Staff and Army Commander Lt.Gen. Shavendra Silva to the rank of General.

Gen. Shavendra Silva who arrived at the Commander's Secretariat was greeted to an elegant Guard Turnout salute, a formal military feature, presented by Gajaba Regiment troops after Colonel Indika Perera, Commanding Officer, HQ Battalion at the Army Headquarters received the day's Chief Guest.

Chief of Staff Major General Prabath Dematanpitiya invited General Shavendra Silva to review the Guard of Honour parade, presented by 2 Officers and 48 Other Ranks of his own Gajaba Regiment, along with Regimental colours.

General Shavendra Silva was later congratulated by the Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief Of Staff, Commandant Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force, Commanders of all Security Forces, Principal Staff Officers, Advisors, Directors of respective Directorates on his promotion.

The Army Commander thanked everyone for the unwavering cooperation extended to him right throughout his career and expressed gratitude to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa for promoting him to a four-star rank. Expressing his deep gratitude to his past pioneering veterans and mentors, both dead or still alive, General Shavendra Silva called upon all to join hands together to further foster the image of the organisation and contribute to the nation-building tasks in a more vibrant manner.

"Promotion in the forces is not only a show of confidence and acknowledgment of hard work, but it is also proof that the Sri Lanka Army is an evolving professional institution, making it an attractive career," General Shavendra Silva remarked.


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