The Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), call on the government not to divest valuable lands in the Colombo Port to outside companies. SJB National Organizer Tissa Attanayaka condemned the Government’s proposed plan to give the ownership of 13 acre economically valued land in Colombo to the China International Container Terminal (CICT) company when the Sri Lanka Ports Authority could utilize this land to develop the country’s economy.
He said if the Government goes ahead with its proposed plan the country would lose a valuable ‘Gold Mine’ that the country could utilize for better economic purposes in the future.
“Although the Government says that they are leasing the 13-acres to the CICT Company for economic purposes, there is no truth in that statement,” he said.
Attanayaka further said that no country in the world would give outsiders from its ports or surrounding lands or any of their economically important areas to foreign companies. “It is unethical to sell this 13 acre land to an outside company at a moment when people in the country and also trade union organizations are displeased over this,” he said.
by Daily News Sri Lanka
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