Whitney Way Thore Lashes Out After Trolls Say Her New Beau Is Embarrassed to Be Seen with Her

“Can’t y’all let someone be happy?” asks the “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” star.

Whitney Way Thore’s struggles to find love have been part and parcel of her reality show for years, but it looks like even when she’s happily involved with someone and both hopeful and confident that things are going well, there are those looking to tear her down.

Her latest beau is her French tutor, who has chosen to remain unnamed and not appear on her show, and already friends and fans both on-screen and behind their computer and phone screens are sharing their reservations.

But while bestie Todd Beasley was at least kind in his concerns that Whitney may again be throwing her whole heart way too fast into something new and exciting — risking having it broken all over again as it was when Chase Severino proved unfaithful amid the COVID-19 pandemic — her “fans” on social media have been relentlessly brutal.

In a new post shared to her Instagram on Tuesday, Whitney interspersed images of her with her new man (his face remains blurred to protect his anonymity) out and about catching the sights, interspersed with some genuinely nasty, fat-shaming comments she’s received about their relationship.

Honestly, these comments are so disgusting and cruel, we can’t in good conscience even transpose them here, and shame to anyone who supports such vitriol or, worse, takes the time to write such things.

One recurring theme that stuck out for Whitney was the notion that the man is embarrassed to be seen with her, which is apparently why he’s chosen to avoid being on the show. Never mind he could just prefer his privacy.

“The amount of comments and DMs and tweets I’ve gotten from viewers assuring me that this man is embarrassed of me and does not care about me is confusing,” Whitney wrote in the caption to her post.

She then talked about the past six weeks they’d spent together and out in public visiting some of France’s biggest tourist attractions.

“Because he doesn’t want his face shown on TV to millions of people around the world, he must be embarrassed of me?” she asked. “There’s a big difference between being in public with someone versus choosing to put your identity on display on the internet and TV for people to rip apart.”

She then used their own attacks to prove her point by adding, “If he was ever doubting his decision to be anonymous in these arenas, comments like these only validate it.”

She then called out the show’s so-called fans for constantly attacking her romantic relationships, and in particular seeming to doubt that maybe someone could actually love her for who she is.

“I’ve dated some s—– dudes and had heartbreaks, but I also do not doubt that I have been loved deeply and fiercely and above all, I know that I deserve to be loved,” she concluded her thoughts.

“If you feel that you can’t be loved because of your size or for any other reason, please don’t project that onto me — because I’m out here trying to enjoy myself and this person and what we have together.”

, Entertainment,International, ’embarrassed’,beau,lashes,seen,thore,trolls,whitney,with,

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